lunes, 6 de junio de 2016

                                Beautiful South

Hi today i going to talk about to the best  places to visit in the south of Chile,i  had the opportunity  to visit the south 3  times,  the first time when  i visit the south was when i was 14 years old , this trip was together my family (father , mother, brother , grandmother and my little sister Maite ,she was a baby 4 moths)  the truth is that  i met  beutibul places as the city  of Pucon and surroundings (lago Caburga , others lakes and buautiful ojos del caburga)but  was a disaster because my little sister got a sick very serious and as she was  baby,  we cold  not  returned la serena  in a  month and a half, from that moment i did not like the south.

But  the things changed when i left the school, because along with 3 friends we went to " mochilear",  this was one of the best  experiences  and  memories  that  i have,together my friends visited many cities, lakes , parks .But the place we met more was Chiloe, We were  there more than two weeks and we stayed at the hostel's parents a friend , thanks to this  i had the opportunity to known the island completely, I visited many parks and  many waterfalls, i known the "palafitos" and i had the opportunity to eat "curanto",  It is a  very nice place to visit!!


 And  the last time when i went the south was this summer with my boyfriend, we  visited  Puerto Montt , Frutillar ,  the biological reserve of Huilo- Huilo , and others places. but  the city i like most was frutillar it is a very quiet and nice place.

2 comentarios:

  1. what a pity your sister got sick, I hope it wasn't any serious. Its great that you could like the south again :)

  2. Oh! i would like to 'Mochilear' too, its my dream to go with my friends! A very beautiful experience!
