lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

                                             Dr German Valenzuela Basterrica 

Hi today i going to talk about a person on my field that i admire, his name is Dr. German Valenzuela Basterrica he was a doctor and director of the school of dentistry, the reazon why i admire that thanks to him it could build the faculty of dentistry , this was made possible by his participation in the resolution of the case Becker.

The case Becker was one case police controvertid, where there was fire in the German delegation the 5th of february 1909 with the alleged murder chancellor Guillermo Becker, definitely one of the key men in the resolution of the case was the Dr. valenzuela, because he performed proficiencies to the body found in fire, which did not belong to chancellor ,but the goalkeeper of the delegation Germany Mr Exequiel Tapia , who he was killed by Becker, all this to scarfed with the money of delegation.

Thanks to this resolution of the case could clarify the problems with German, clean up the image of an innocent man and take prisoner the real guilty.

As a reward for their help the president Pedro Montt offerd help in he wanted, but the Dr. the only wanted it was the construction of the faculty of detistry.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice post!, the history of German Valenzuela is just great,besides he helped me to get a good grade in Destrezas xd
